By analyzing the sale of a product across different times of the day, Cyreen is able to target shoppers when the ad impact reaches its peak.
Below-illustrated case clearly shows that - without instore C.A.P. advertising - the advertised product is not subject to large sales fluctuations indicated by fairly constant conversion rates (white bars). Hence, the general purchasing behavior appears to be rather steady across daily hours.
Contradicting the ordinary sales development, the C.A.P. advertising impact clearly does not follow this pattern (red bars). Even though one could easily assume that the impact should be steady as well, the results of the campaign reveal a different truth: Advertising in the "early morning" and "evening" appears to be especially effective whereas all the contacts "morning" and in the "afternoon" are less impactful for the respective brand.
With the collected knowledge, C.A.P. is able to play the campaign only during efficient times of the day in order to optimize conversions. Therefore, the spot shall be shown primarily during value-adding periods for the next campaign.
Product Category
Campaign Period
4 Weeks (CW50–CW1)
Learn more about the analytical potential and methodology of C.A.P. with this case study conducted with Barilla.
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